Can you believe it?? Our little girl, whose birth is still so fresh in my mind, is already three months old. Here are some recent photos, from our church's dinner/auction fundraiser this past weekend.
I'll write more's very late but I had to post today...happy three-month birthday, Penelope!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Penelope is three months old!
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11:45 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Penelope's Naming and Dedication Ceremony
We celebrated Penelope on Sunday with many of our family and friends as she was welcomed into the UU community! It was a beautiful ceremony (click on the photostream at the left for all of the photos) and our little daughter is turning into quite a ham! Just as the congregation named her, she turned and faced the crowd! She did quite well during the ceremony, waiting until after she was named and dedicated until she asked to be fed.It was so wonderful to have so many of our family members and friends over on Sunday, in particular, Penelope's great-grandmother, Maxine. She flew all the way from Texas to meet Penelope and attend her dedication. She has met all of her great-grandparents now! Here she is with her great-grandma:
As you can see, she is getting so big! Her personality continues to develop, as well...she makes us laugh more and more! Particularly, and this is perhaps somewhat mean, but when she gets mad! Just on Sunday, she was getting so angry that she began to stomp her feet...a real tantrum! It was so cute! I am sure I might not call her tantrums "cute" much longer but was terribly funny. She is also talking her head off these days...she is rarely quiet when she is awake or not eating. Especially on the changing table, she tells us all about everything...we indeed have a very social little girl.
Her sleep is also starting to regulate...I rarely have to wake up more than once with her during the night. Last night, I managed to get to sleep at 10 PM and she only woke me up at 2 AM, until about 6 AM, that is. She does seem to be a morning matter what, she seems to like to be awake by about 7 AM. That's fine by long as she takes a nap at some point, which varies from day to day. Right now, she is napping in her swing--something she hasn't done in quite awhile. We just roll with the punches...every day seems to be a new adventure.
Can you believe that Penelope will be three months old next week?
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5:48 PM