Okay, here we go:
Penelope Marie, 7 months: 17 lbs, 1 oz and 27 3/4 inches (for real this time).
She's healthy, both physically and developmentally. Hoorah!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Official 7-Month Stats
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9:38 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Going Strong at 7 Months!
Our little Penelope is five short months away from turning one year old! I write this every time I post an update, I know, but it really is amazing how quickly time has passed since Penelope was born. Tracy and I were talking just a couple of days ago about how the first few months of P's life (maybe the first three) seemed to go by slowly (perhaps the sleep deprivation was a main contributor to this) but after about month three, time has just flown! She seemed to jump from not doing a whole lot (eating, sleeping, pooping) to wanting to jump out of my lap and squealing with delight in her bouncy-seat. Experienced parents always tell us that pretty soon she'll be graduating from high school and leaving the house...I try not to listen because I have a hard enough time knowing she'll probably be crawling in the next 40 days or so--her first movements away from mama (Doug: that's gonna be a game-changer). Ugh.
I can't provide a weight/height updates because we haven't been to the pediatrician in awhile but according to my version of weighing her (I weigh the two of us together and then subtract my weight), she is around 17 lbs. She seems to have grown maybe 1/2 an inch. Her hair is what has noticeably grown; not only is it getting thicker (and filling in the back of her head), but it is developing a bit of wave. It's not hard to imagine that she will end up with wavy/curly hair, of course. :)
We spent a wonderful weekend a couple of weeks ago in Tahoe with our good friends the LeardManns, the Hannafords and the Honeycutts. Penelope had a great time: she loved all of the attention and was particularly interested in Aria, the second youngest of our group. She particularly loved to watch Aria play with her toys. Much to our surprise, Penelope slept well, even napped, pretty darn consistently the whole time we were in Tahoe. Maybe the fact that we we slept in a king-size bed sweetened the deal: ALL THREE of us had plenty of room, it was so, so nice. The Hannafords are expecting their 2nd child soon; it was so exciting to be able to see them so close to the baby's birth. I got to feel their baby hiccuping and it really made me miss being pregnant. That was the first time since having P that I actually missed being pregnant. Penelope often had hiccups and while I felt bad for the poor kid (who enjoys having the hiccups), it was an incredibly special sensation. It was a fantastic weekend and I think all of us hope we can keep up our yearly visit!
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4:20 PM
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