Last Friday, we reached a major milestone in this pregnancy: the third trimester! We had our 28 week appointment with Dr. Beingesser and everything looks great: no gestational diabetes, baby's development is good, my weight is good...all is going perfectly! The baby him/herself seems happy; he/she is movin' and groovin...we can finally see his/her movements on the outside of my belly now! I have also noticed his/her routine: his/her most active times are 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM--and when I wake up to pee one-three times a night, as I fall asleep, I can feel the little one kicking away.
With only 12 weeks to go, we have put preparations into high gear! We are signed up for childbirth classes: one with our OB's group and another with a local hypnobirthing coach. We just selected our doula--she will support both Doug and I throughout labor, birth and will also serve as our lactation consultant. Jacque is highly recommended by EVERYONE...including our OB! We are so excited that things seem to be coming together...
Speaking of which, take a look at these photos! Tracy and Mike came to visit this weekend and together we made major progress on two of our major house-projects: the bathroom and the baby's room! The baby's room is definitely looking like such, particularly with the addition of his/her crib:With the addition of the crib, it makes our impending parenthood that much more real, to say the very least. We still have a lot to do to prepare for baby's arrival but having a crib in the house makes his/her arrival seem so, so close. I still sometimes stop and in a semi-panic think, "is this really happening?" For the most part, however I am just so excited to meet him/her. I have a feeling that he/she will seem to arrive in no time: the next couple of months are shaping up to be busy! We have three baby showers to attend, childbirth classes to begin, my grad class to finish and just our regular lives to lead: work, friends, church and maybe some more frequent date nights before time together becomes a bit more limited.
The excitement continues...
Stol Skandynawski W Salonie
4 years ago
Oh, I love the baby's crib! The room looks great. I love reading your blog to keep updated on the baby's progress. Congrats you guys!
Love, Doug's cousin Diana
Cute crib! I know you are excited as you get closer to the due date.
Now comes the "nesting"
Jenny LaBouff
How fun! I have been enjoying reading about the progress of your pregnancy. I can't wait for you to become parents! Your world as you know it will be upside down! You will LOVE it. There is nothing better in life :)
Rebekah (Jason's wife...Jason is Doug's cousin)
P.S. I HIGHLY recommend the date nights...even after baby is born!
That was a great pic of Tracy reading the directions for the crib assembly.
Slick crib. Should be on MTV's "Cribs." The only thing I have to say about the crib is that it's interesting how that thing can stay empty for so long after the baby comes. Aria was either in our bed or in a co-sleeper for her first 6 months at least. All the better for the new parent breathing check in the middle of the night.
Hosie and Michael
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