Well, here we are at 38 weeks! Baby continues to be happy, cozy and warm in mama's belly and mama continues to sleep poorly, pee often and waddle slowly about. Not that I am complaining...well, at least not much. :)
It's strange to think I was born by this time in my mom's pregnancy, what fun she missed out on, at least with me! I think Dan was born around 38 weeks...so...I haven't broken family tradition quite yet. Although, Dr. B. checked things out yesterday and I am still shut up pretty tight...she predicted that I would give birth somewhere between December 13-20. She also said we are on track to having about an 8 lb baby...although I think he/she will be bigger if I give birth AFTER our EDD. I suppose I can handle being pregnant for that much longer! Doug's bro Uncle Chris might get his wish to have his first niece/nephew born on his birthday, December 15.
We still have much to do before baby arrives! I am feeling somewhat panicky about being as organized as possible before he/she comes home, knowing that we will be living in disorganization for awhile. Believe it or not, this is one of my major stresses; I hate messes! Especially when my head is a little disorganized (or sleep-deprived!), a clean and well-organized home helps. So, if you wonder what we might need after baby is born? No, we don't need any more onesies or booties, we need someone to dust and run the vacuum every couple of days. :) I spent Tuesday cooking/preparing meals to freeze and will finish up that task today! While I feel like we can do so much more before baby is born, I know that I have accomplished a lot and that does feel pretty good.
Baby is hiccuping right now...it might be my imagination or wishful thinking...but hiccups feel lower. Since about Sunday, I have felt the baby simultaneously pushing on my cervix and on my ribs occasionally--what a weird feeling! I also felt what I think might have been false labor contractions yesterday...they felt someone different from the Braxton Hicks contractions that I have been feeling since about month 5-6, I felt them more in my back. Nothing came of them but they did feel different and give me some sort of indication that I will "just know" when things begin to happen.
The waiting is really strange, I have really mixed feelings about it. I am physically pretty tired and close to ready to go but mentally, well, I don't know if I will be completely ready. Although, I have a feeling that nature will take care of that; perhaps I will get so big, so uncomfortable that feeling unsure will be a luxury compared to how I feel physically! That is, I won't frankly give a damn about my mental/emotional doubts, I will be feeling so huge and lousy that all I will want is to get the baby OUT!! I have trusted my body so far (and that trust has served me well) so perhaps that is the way it will go...
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Wait Continues...
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8:31 AM
Labels: Mom
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
30 Days to EDD!
Well, here we are, November 13! If baby decides to be one of those rare kids who actually arrives on his/her due date, we are exactly 30 days away from his/her birthday! I had to at least acknowledge it...I know that meeting him/her in exactly 30 days is extremely unlikely.
In fact, I am beginning to doubt my initial feelings of meeting this baby prior to his/her due date! Just over the past couple of days, I have been feeling that Baby Mayer is pretty cozy in his/her womb-home and just might break family tradition and come after his/her due date. I am actually, at this point, feel okay about that, but, talk to me in a month and I might be singing a different tune.
I'll post again soon with photos from this past weekend's baby showers...they were amazing and we can officially say, at least "stuff" wise, we are ready for the baby! I want to make sure to include photos and for some reason, I am not finding them! So expect another, much longer post soon!
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3:15 PM
Labels: Mom
Friday, November 9, 2007
Baby Shower Fun
I had started this post soon after the shower, but I didn't manage to finish and it ended up gathering dust in the draft queue. And since I haven't posted in a while I figured I should finish what I started.
The shower was fun for Jenn and we received some wonderful gifts from our friends and family. It was especially nice to see some of our friends that we haven't seen for some time (that's you, Hosannah, Janis and Kirsten). Thanks again to everyone for your support and love. =)
So now, here are some gratuitous belly shots (cover the children's eyes!)...
Whoo-wee, a couple more weeks and she's gonna pop. Oh yeah, we're getting down to the wire now and it almost seems like we are ready. We just finished up our birthing class through the clinic this past week and wow, do we ever know a lot about the labor and delivery process. I dare you to ask me to describe what happens during the transition period.
I'm not sure we need to know everything we learned, including seemingly all of the possible contingencies, but it feels good to know what to expect. We're also close to finishing up our hypno-birthing course, which has been great. The relaxation methods will be a huge help for Jenn (and even for me) when labor starts through the delivery process. I just need to remember to help her stay calm and give her the proper prompts to guide her.
Then we get to be parents. OMG...
Actually, I'm not quite as worried about that as I was before. At this point, I am just excited to meet the kid (bit, nugget, chitlin, take your pick) so I can talk to he/she directly, rather than through Jenn's belly. I'm sure the reality of being a parent will come crashing down on me as soon as we bring our child home and we are woken in the wee hours of the night, but that's cool. I'm looking forward to it, regardless.
The room is pretty much finished; we still have some decorating to do, but that will be an ongoing project. My mom is over this weekend to help out with refinishing the dresser -- a quick sand and a paint job. She'll be back for Thanksgiving and we'll do some painting of some animals on the walls out of a cute children's book. As for the bathroom, that is still unfinished and haunting me every day. I did get some work done on the tiling this past weekend, but there is still a good bit to do in the shower. I'm hoping to get through a lot of it this weekend with the help of Dan and Mike (Kennedy), but I doubt we'll finish. Ever after that, I still have to take care of the vanity countertop, the sink, faucet, sink plumbing, medicine cabinet, light fixture, cabinet finishing, and various bathroom accessories. Oy, so much work still to do.
Wow, it is getting late and I need to get to bed. Before I go, here's a gratuitous dog pic...
Posted by
10:02 PM
Labels: Dad
Saturday, November 3, 2007
40 Days to Go!
I can't believe it. I remember like it was yesterday that I was 40 DAYS pregnant! It seems my feelings haven't changed much since; I recall thinking then, "I can't believe it!" Yet we've come so far since then, in fact, I can't imagine my life without this baby--I already feel like a mom and consider Doug not only my husband and best friend, but the father of our child. Even though we have not actually seen him/her, I can already sense who he/she is, personality wise and how he/she figures into our life. Just ask anyone who bothers to ask, "how are you?" and they'll tell you that all I talk about is this pregnancy and this baby...he/she is already the center of my life. :)
Speaking of life, it is pretty nuts. I think nesting (or the preliminary stages of it) has officially set in--I feel the need to CLEAN EVERYTHING. I am usually a pretty neat person but I want to CLEAN...as in take everything out of the kitchen cupboards and clean, clean, clean! We recently purchased a steam cleaner--one of those lightweight ones you can carry throughout the house. I cannot wait to attack the tile grout with it! And despite my best green sensibilities, I was in the cleaning products aisle at Target yesterday, I saw the swiffer system and realized why people use it; its easier than lugging the vacuum cleaner throughout the house--and I nearly bought it. I resisted, however--I am not that desperate yet. :) Nothing like cleaning your floors with maxi-pad looking things, eh?
I also bought some of those yesterday! I felt a little strange in the sanitary napkin section...I clearly look like I have had no need of such things in quite awhile. It will be somewhat strange to resume my normal bodily cycles. I bought them to begin packing my hospital bag--I am a bit superstitious about this. If I am packed, I won't go into preterm labor, but if I am not packed, I probably will! I hear it is a good idea to have done around 34-35 weeks anyway, so I am right on time. I am somewhat nervous because the fact of the matter is, I was born at 36 weeks. I don't think our baby will make that early of an appearance but having the bag packed can't hurt to try to insure that!
We have two baby showers coming up! Over Veteran's weekend, my aunts Pam and Stacey are throwing us a shower and the fabulous ladies from our church are also hosting one. I am constantly amazed and heartened by the outpouring of love and support for Doug, myself and this baby! I appreciate the fact that everyone, it seems, wants to celebrate this little one. I guess the birth of a baby is a special event; I don't have too much experience with this so sometimes it's somewhat overwhelming--all of the attention. I honestly do love and appreciate the outpouring of care and support and really look forward to getting together with all of those great ladies--family and friends--to help welcome our little one into our lives.
And speaking of little ones--my dear old friend Tasha just had twins! I went to visit her, her husband Bill and their new son and daughter last week at the hospital. Mom and Dad were so happy and proud of the twins and those twins--oh, they are the most precious little beings. I held their daughter for quite awhile and just watched her little facial expressions, her movements. It was incredible. I sat down in the rocking chair at one point with her and as I rocked her, I thought, "wow, I could do this all day." And it was such an emotional moment because I realized that, soon, I will be able to rock my little baby all day long. "Amazing" doesn't even come close to expressing how I feel about that.
Posted by
10:10 AM
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