Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The attack of the bodily fluids

I just took my second shower of the day. Why, you ask?

As I was changing Penelope (a somewhat significant chore as I am still getting used to cloth diapers and how they work), she grabbed her feet and fffftttt......POOPED all over the place. I threw a cloth diaper over her booty but it didn't help much! This came after she peed all over her activity gym, despite the fact that I put her down on a cloth diaper (was trying to "air her out" to avoid rash).

I laughed, she was quite funny. Poop is no big deal, right? I mean, everyone poops. So I cleaned her up and all was good. Until I picked her up and...yuck...she barfed in my hair and down my face and chest. I didn't laugh this time...although she did. Of course she did.

Motherhood is not for the queasy, is it?


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I love it. I'll have to pass it on to Troy!

The LaBouffs said...

That's hilarious! We've definitely had the same attack around here..only it was with Noah and his little water fountain!

Diana said...

I couldn't help but laugh at this post! Ellie seems like such an amazing little girl. I can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

Happy first Mother's Day, Mama Jen!!!! <3 to you and your beautiful family!
<3 Amy and Travis

MapmakerJenny said...

That is too funny...and cute! I remember those days all too well.

Once when Jason was about 2 years old he came into our bedroom to try to tell us he was sick. I was on my back (I was 9 months pregnant.

I told him to come closer so I could feel how warm he was. He leaned over and threw up on my face. ;-) Now that's when you know you've really been broken in as a mom.