Dear sweet Penelope:
Today, we celebrate your first six months on this earth and as our daughter. It is so remarkable how much you have grown and changed since you were born: as I write this, you have been smiling and laughing for at least three months, reaching for and grabbing your toys for over two months, cooing and talking for over three months, holding your head up for over three months, almost rolling over consistently for two months, and sitting up on your own for about a week! You have doubled your birthweight (and then some) and have grown in length almost 10 inches. You've tasted both bananas and sweet potatoes and seemed to enjoy both. You have let me sleep for more than a few five hour chunks at night. You seem to charm everyone you come into contact with, and even smile for a select (and lucky!) few! You pay particular attention to other babies and children and your dogs, Grizzly and Tara. In fact, you especially love to talk to Grizzly and Tara and even have begun to offer them your toys.
As you grow and change seemingly everyday, your birth becomes that much more of a miracle: with every new accomplishment or milestone, we remember the moment of your birth with that much more AWE. At that moment, we had no idea what you had in store for us! Here's a little trip down memory lane: what Dad and I were doing six months ago, today!
Laboring at Home Laboring at the hospital, the first time It's a girl!
We are your parents!
Kisses from Daddy!
Introducing: Penelope Marie!
Happy six months of life among us, Penelope!