Since Penelope did turn 6 months old last week, we thought we'd try some solid food. Our pediatrician suggested to begin her on vegetables, fruits and even need for cereals. I bought some organic brown rice to make my own rice cereal, anyway (making your own rice cereal is sort of not worth it, as I have found out!) but we went with sweet potatoes for one major reason: we have LOTS of sweet potato around the house! Grizzly decided to develop food allergies so he is on a special diet of pinto beans and sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are on many lists of recommended first solid food so I thought, what the heck, let's try it! After all, Grizzly shouldn't have all the fun with sweet potatoes:
She did like them, but as you can see in the picture above, I think she was mainly interested in playing with the spoon. She has also enjoyed bananas, so we'll continue with the sweet potatoes and bananas for now. I am in no huge hurry for her to eat solids and she is not really nutritionally in need of them until she is a year old or so. That is what "they" say this week, anyway...
1 comment:
This little girl is so happy with her food--great start on good eating habits
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