Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Penelope's first playdate!

Lucky Penelope, her first playdate lasted two days! Auntie Tracy and Uncle Mike had all of us over this weekend for a bbq and general great visit with our old Santa Cruz pals Helen and Troy Faith Garcia and, of course, Uncle Dan (my bro) and Aunt Catherine.

We were thrilled to meet the son of our dear friends Helen and Troy, who was born only 2 weeks before Penelope. Carl is a doll...a beautiful, smiling, charming little boy! He is also incredibly mobile--crawling all over the place and pulling himself up to standing on the furniture. I told Helen and Troy that Carl had an assignment: to show Penelope how to crawl. He did and I'll be darned if she isn't moving around a lot more, now! Still not crawling (but I am in no hurry), scooting and rolling herself around quite effectively.

Tracy posted a cute photo on her blog (see link to the right) but I had to post some of the kids playing together. Aren't they adorable? Too bad arranged marriages aren't quite the fashion here in the US. hehe.

Look what Carl showed me how to do!

I think I like having a friend!

Mom, stop with the photos!


Tracy said...

I love the pic of the two of them on the couch! That is awesome!

Tracy said...

Me again....Carl's biceps are out of control!

Anonymous said...

He's our little muscle man! :) Such great pictures. I miss you guys already!

Doug said...

I think if P's shirt was off, she would give Carl a run for his money. :)

Anonymous said...

Little Miss Penelope seems to be focused on the boys already! If Dad was a babe magnet, is Miss P going to be a guy magnet? Interesting times ahead!
Grandma LaBouff