Penelope fell asleep on the way home in her carseat (the bucket) and it reminded me of when we brought her home, nine months ago, today. So, here she is, then and now:
Needless to say, her days in the bucket are almost at an end; we are waiting until the end of the summer heat (we like to be able to bring the carseat indoors when it is so dang hot outside) to change it out for her "big girl" Britax seat.
She might be bigger but look at that sleeping face...she hasn't changed that much. That makes me happy...even when she is thirteen, maybe at least when she is sleeping, I will be able to catch a glimpse of the baby girl we brought home, nine months ago today.
She might be bigger but look at that sleeping face...she hasn't changed that much. That makes me happy...even when she is thirteen, maybe at least when she is sleeping, I will be able to catch a glimpse of the baby girl we brought home, nine months ago today.
Precious! I love to watch my "babies" peaceful and calm! I can't believe she can still fit in an infant carrier at 9 months! We had to switch to the big convertable seats between 5 and 6 months with both Noah and Kendall! Of course, they were much bigger from the get-go!
What a little doll.
I went to Midland and visited with Grandma LaBouff. I showed her your Blogspot and the pics of the headband. She was thrilled!!! Good job!
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