Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Please welcome...

Update: For additional baby pics, go to to see them all!

...Penelope Marie Mayer. Our lovely daughter was born on Wednesday, December 12 at 12:53am after a long and exhausting labor (24 hours!). She weighed in at 6 pounds, 13.4 ounces and measures 20 inches in length. Jenn was an absolute champ and went natural all the way...she was truly amazing. Here are some pics below and more will be posted later. I must sleep -- have to be back at the hospital in 4 hours and I've been up for nearly 25 straight. Nothing compared to mama, but I'm still beat.

Our small, little angel

Cozy and asleep

Happy mom, dad and baby
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Naomi Hendrix said...

Here are some more pictures taken by the neighbor next door as the happy family came home.

Copy & paste the link.

epoophoron said...

oh my gosh you guys, she is so stunningly beautiful. What a blessing! And the name is perfect. I love you both so much. Congratulations!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Naomi - thanks for posting those coming home pics! Jenn & Doug, my heart overflows with joy for the three of you. Thank you so much for inviting me to participate in such a magical event - I am truly, deeply honored. Love to you all, and snuggles to Penelope!

Andrea said...

She is gorgeous! Congrats! Jenn, when you are home and have all kinds of time again (haha), you need to post to the English/TA/whatever listserv. Or I will ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A very lovely name for a lovely girl. And 12/12 at 12:53? Super cool!

Anonymous said...

She's soooo beautiful! Congratulations Mom and Dad!

Georgia said...

Welcome, Penelope -- you are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys! I am just in awe of how beautiful and perfect she is. I showed Aria the pictures too, and she loves the "little baby"

Anonymous said...

Holy moly, what a doll! Congratulations, guys! If you need any help cuddling her, you know where I'll be: the TA office.

The LaBouffs said...

CONGRATS!!! We're really excited for you! She's beautiful!