Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 3, 2007

More Baby Shower Fun!

Finally! Here are some photos from two more of the amazing baby showers in honor of Baby Mayer! These are from the shower thrown by my wonderful aunts, Pam Pistoresi and Stacey Henderson. It was a beautiful day; we had a yummy brunch (complete with quiche and 7-up salad...two of my favorites!) and Baby received all kinds of wonderful gifts, including tons of diapers!

Cute placemats!

Grandma-to-be Sharon, Mom-to-be Jenn, Nana-to-be Nadine, Great Grandma-to-be Mary

The Ladies!

Uggs from Papa Steve

Fun Favors!

These are from the shower thrown by Jennifer Kranzke and the other amazing ladies at the UU Church of Fresno! We had a wonderful time sharing lots of advice for Baby Mayer and again, Baby was spoiled with lots of amazing gifts, including a car seat! We are so happy to a part of such a loving and supportive community--these gals rock!

The UUCF Ladies!

Measuring Mama's Belly!

Some of the amazing UUCF gals

And to assure you that Doug wasn't left out of the gift-opening completely, here he is modeling the latest in diaper-bag fashion, courtesy of soon-to-be Uncle Brian and Aunt Tricia!

Hot Daddy!
And Daddy is also getting into the "sling" of things, modeling a baby wrap, courtesy of Ellen G. and since we have no baby yet, Mr. Dragon (courtesy of Deb B.) was a suitable substitute!

Chick Magnet!
We must (we simply cannot stop!) extend our deepest, most heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate Baby Mayer's upcoming arrival; every time we walk into his/her nursery, we are overwhelmed with the generosity and love bestowed upon this kid! I just cannot wait to introduce him/her to everyone...we are going to have so much fun. :) Again, thanks to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post! How cute are all these pictures?!