Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 1, 2007

So, so close...

Holy moly, are we ever close. Below are some of the the more up-to-date belly shots and you can tell that the time is nearing.

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Jenn is constantly telling me how big she feels and how tight her belly seems. Although, it's not that it seems tight, but it really is tight. The baby is becoming so big that there doesn't seem to be any room left at all. Touch anyplace on her belly and it is like a rock. This is definitely causing her some discomfort, particularly when the little troublemaker decides to move around and change position.

Well, I think we have pretty much everything in the house in order (except for the master bath...still working on it) and the baby's room is definitely ready. I still have a little bit of yard work that I also need to complete so I don't have to think about it for a while, but the majority is done. Jenn went on a rampage around the house, cleaning and organizing everything. I helped (I swear!), but she really did the lions-share and kicked butt. That is about all she can do for the time being...just running the vacuum tires her out.

I have been trying to wrap up as much of my projects at work as possible before the baby comes so I don't have to dump too much on my co-workers. Still, I have let them know that the baby could be here any day and I am just waiting for the call from Jennifer and I'm out of there. I'm planning to stay at home for the majority of December, probably around 3 weeks depending on when the baby actually is born. I'm really looking forward to that time with Jenn and the new kid; it will of course be tiring and maybe stressful, but it will still be a vacation. Going back to work after that will be interesting -- I'm kind of worried I will have trouble focusing, thinking instead of how I'd like to be home with Jenn and the baby. I guess this will be when the old adage "work smarter, not harder" really comes into play since I'll need/want to come home early every day. Actually, Jenn had a very good night a week will be my work late night when I can stay as long as I need to. Hopefully, I won't have to utilize that night often, but it will be there if I need it.

Well, the suitcase is ready, the goody bag is packed, the car seat is strapped in, contact list is in my phone and food is in the freezer. We are ready to go. Come on baby!

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