Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's All About Teeth!

Little Penelope's two bottom teeth officially emerged last month and it has been all about teeth in our house ever since! At least, we think that is why she suddenly stopped eating solids (but has since begun to eat them again), became a poop and drool machine, stopped sleeping through the night (she was rarely doing this but boy those nights were wonderful) and lately, stopped sleeping somewhat altogether. Seems like her top two (particularly the top left) will make an appearance soon, her gums are really bulging and she it chewing on everything in sight! When I was giving her a bath last night, she was trying to bite the edge of the tub!

It's so much fun to watch the dogs play outside!

When her bottom teeth had barely broken through the gums, I frankly thought our nursing days were over, she couldn't seem to stop biting me. With the help of our friend Karin and Hyland's Teething Tablets, we got over that. I do have to remind her before she begins to nurse to be gentle and she complies 90% of the time. :) My mother tells me how much more it hurts when baby has both top and bottom teeth; I hope my training her not to bite will pay off when those two top chompers emerge.

I am so cute!

More behavior I chock up to teething (at least in part) is her restlessness...although I am sure it is a pretty normal developmental stage. I don't think her teething discomfort makes the bumps and whatnot feel any better: she is trying desperately to pull herself up to standing on just about everything and incurs many falls, as a result. I am really in awe of her sheer determination to MOVE! Gone is our content on laps baby...I try to hold her on my lap when I am playing with her on the floor and all she wants to do is climb all over me! She is also rolling all over the place, but no crawling yet. We have begun to babyproof the house in anticipation of her impending mobility.

Despite her teething discomfort, Penelope continues to be a happy and content little gal who seems to enjoy life more and more every day. And we continue to be two very proud parents.

I love to play with my Cheerios (and sometimes eat them)!


Tracy said...

What a great post! And what a big girl you have on your hands: pulling up to standing, teeth, solid foods, the list goes on and on! It's funny, the first picture looks totally like Doug, and the second picture is a spitting image of mommy! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

She looks SO much like you in the "I'm so cute" picture, Jenn!!


Anonymous said...

Miss P looks like she is enjoying the new play station. Yep, Jenn, she looks like you. Pretty soon both she and Tara will be walking for their morning exercise.
grandma s